Habilitation of Dr. Nicola Oswald
Dr. Nicola Oswald has presented her habilitation defense in history of mathematics at the University of Wuppertal on February 14. Her habilitation was a compilation of research papers dealing with various Aspects of Number Theory in the Scientic Estate of Adolf Hurwitz. Her Habilitationsvortrag dealt with "Lattice points: An interface between geometric visualization, algebraic relationships and number-theoretical structures". Her talk was followed by a lively and interesting discussion with the habilitation commission.
Dr. Nicola Oswald
(Picture credits: Levi Rhomberg)
Büchervorstellung (3.12.24)
History of Mathematics "Oberseminar" - Winter semester 2024-2025

Religion and practical mathematics in the early modern Period
Thomas Morel has published an article in the last issue of Der Anschnitt, a Journal of Mining History, about the role of religion and its contribution to the understanding of practical mathematics in the early modern period, entitled "'Without Number, Measure and Weight, it's impossible to build mines': Mathematics and Equity in Early Modern Mining Sermons".
Euclid in the Modern Age: A History of Cross-Cultural Transmissions, Translations and Transformations of the Elements
A new DFG project at the IZWT led by Dr. Angela Axworthy. This three-year project, which is part of a Franco-German collaborative project divided between Paris and Wuppertal and funded by the ANR and the DFG, aims to provide a comprehensive investigation of the cultural, social, scientific and epistemological impact of the diffusion of Euclid’s Elements, the most important and widely circulated work of classical mathematics, across Europe from the 16th to the 19th century. By examining its transformations throughout various editions, translations and commentaries and its diverse uses and contexts of circulation, the EUCLIDES project seeks to establish an overarching and interdisciplinary narrative concerning the modern tradition of the Elements and its unparalleled influence on the history of science, knowledge and culture.
The team based in Wuppertal, with Dr. Angela Axworthy as Principal Investigator, will focus on the interactions between practical mathematics, professional mathematical knowledge, and Euclid’s Elements, both within the Euclidean corpus and in practical geometry treatises and artisans' handbooks, during the early modern era. Members of the Wuppertal team include Volker Remmert and Thomas Morel
Duality in 19th and 20th Century Mathematical Thinking
Ralf Krömer and Emmylou Haffner co-edited an extensive book on the concept of duality in the prestigious series Science Networks. Historical Studies. Bringing together scholars across various domains of the history and philosophy of mathematics, it encompasses both systematic analysis and historical examination, in order to elucidate the status, roles, and dynamics of duality within the realms of 19th and 20th-century mathematics.
Michel Chasles on Euclid's lost Porisms: a new outlook
Ivahn Smadja and Nicolas Michel just published a paper on the French geometer Michel Chasles (1793-1880), and more specifically on his interpretation of Euclid's Porisms, a lost mathematical treatise known only through the writings of Late-Antiquity commentators. In this paper, they analyse the methodological and philosophical underpinnings of Chasles's historiographical practice, and how it interacted with his own mathematical research. The article is available (in OA) here.
Friedrich Wilhelm Levi in India: Algebraization of curriculum
C.S. Aravinda and Volker Remmert recently published an article on the German-Jewish mathematician Friedrich Wilhelm Levi (1888-1966) who spent over fifteen years teaching in India and had considerable influence on the mathematics curriculum in Indian universities of the time. He fled Nazi Germany in 1935 and came to Calcutta (now Kolkata) where he remained until his retirement in 1948: "Friedrich Wilhelm Levi in India: Algebraization of Curriculum", in: Bhāvanā. The Mathematics Magazine 8(2024)
Friedrich Wilhelm Daniel Levi (1888–1966)
Beyond the Learned Academy: The Practice of Mathematics 1600-1850
Thomas Morel has written a chapter entitled "'All of This Was Born on Paper': The Mathematics of Tunnelling in Eighteenth-Century Metallic Mines " in this new volume, edited by Philip Beeley and Christopher Hollings and published by Oxford University Press.
Manipulating the Sun: Picturing Astronomical Miracles from the Bible in the Early Modern Era
Volker Remmert and Julia Ellingshaus have edited a collective volume on early modern astronomy in the Nuncius series (Brill), paying "special attention to the development of related imagery ... their reception, their treatment in the mathematical sciences, and their various cultural layers, with a focus on the history of art and the history of science in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries."
History of Mathematics "Oberseminar" - Summer semester 2024

Upcoming workshop at the BUW

A Cultural History of Mathematics in the Early Modern Period
In the new Bloomsbury series A Cultural History of Mathematics in six volumes, Volker Remmert has co-edited the third one (Early Modern Period), in which Thomas Morel has authored a chapter "Mathematics and Technological Change: The Silent Rise of Practical Mathematics".
The Richness of the History of Mathematics:
A Tribute to Jeremy Gray
A Tribute to Jeremy Gray
Nicolas Michel has contributed to this collective volume a chapter entitled "The Geometer’s Gaze: On H. G. Zeuthen’s Holistic Epistemology of Mathematics".
Oberseminar History of Mathematics, Winter semester
Below is the program of our seminar for the upcoming semester.

The History of the Society of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. Preliminary study for a research project
Dr. des. Jason Lemberg
The project lays the foundations for the exploration of the History of the Society of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (GAMM, gegründet 1922, and its Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (ZAMM). The period under consideration extends from the founding in the early 1920s to the Cold War Era. After the First World War the practical benefits of Applied Science were obvious. The institutionalization of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, however, was accompanied by scientific and political conflicts: Especially the demarcation from Mathematics turned out to be difficult. Questions concerning the history of its origin, its special transdisciplinary character, and the political and scientific relations in East and West during the Cold War are the focus of interest. The project is accompanied by a planning group, which includes Prof. Dr. Volker Remmert (Wuppertal), the chairman of GAMM, Prof. Dr. Karsten Urban (Ulm) and Prof. Dr. Moritz Epple (Frankfurt am Main, History of Science).
Prof. Dr. Volker Remmert und Dr. Julia Ellinghaus / Foto: UniService Transfer
Cooperation: The mysterious imagery of scientific instruments
A press release on the DFG-funded project "Iconography on Scientific Instruments of the Early Modern Period", is now available on the website of the Bergische Universität Wuppertal.
Why Should you Trust Geometry? The Mathematics of Mining in Early Modern Germany
A blog post by Thomas Morel on the History of Knowledge Blog of the German Historical Institute.
Recent publications by members of the group
Volker Remmert: „Retter“ von Oberwolfach (1945): Szolem Mandelbrojt und John Todd, in: Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach 75 Jahre. Festschrift zum Jubiläum, Oberwolfach 2022, 66-74. Available here.
Volker Remmert and Julia Ellinghaus contributed a chapter on early-modern scientific instruments to an edited volume on epistemic images, available here.
Maria Reminyi recently published an article on the Heinrich Wieleitner's historiography of mathematics and Weimar Culture in NTM Zeitschrift, available freely here.
Thomas Morel's monograph on practical mathematics and subterranean geometry (see image) was recently published by Cambridge University Press.
Archived news
Past announcement
An outdated announcement.